Friday, September 14, 2012

#122 - Be a passenger on a private plane OR Take a flying lesson

Its been a while since I've blogged and thats not because I haven't been working on this bucket list but really more because my lifes been changing in major ways lately.  The reason I even mention that is because #122 was kicked off my list in the most serendipitous way.  I just started working for an amazing place, Sun 'n Fun in Lakeland.  If you've heard of them its most likely because you have attended the annual fly in.

I am now the Event and Facility Sales Manager and on the last day of my orientation/training, I got to fly in a Stearman plane with my new boss. The people at this place are unlike anywhere I have ever worked. They're helpful, amazing, friendly, the list goes on. I actually feel the inspiration just oozing from the walls of this place. (

The flight was so much fun! Not scary at all, just peaceful yet exciting. I think I have definitely found a very unexpected love for flying. Who knows what the future holds but I'm grateful to be here and know I'll be here for a very long time.

So goodbye #122 on the bucket list!